Friday, January 11, 2008


Republicans are making one big mistake in trying to take over: Accommodating Hispanics not the other way around. Republicans are trying to occupy South Texas. We don't want them. The Neocons have ruinLyed this country and made the world hate us. This has happened over eight years.

Guess What Ku Klux Kaelin? AG? We are going to not let you conquer us. This is not Iraq. You don't occupy us. We don't need you. Look out REpublicans we are uniting again.!

Trying to use Celis to move the Republican Agenda and puppet trial lawyers like Henry selling out other lawyers is the bad bad error. Thomas J. Henry will be exposed. Henry says, "Celis asked for it because he flaunted his money giving campaign donations to the Democratic party." Hmmm...Sounds like a Republican. Way to go Henry. YOu caused Prop 12 to pass to hurt Texas citizens and now you are helping Republicans. You messed with your last Mexican you stupid short runt.

1 comment:

Jaime KenedeƱo said...

Corpus Christi Caller Times: Is it Fil Vela who rolls out the welcome mat & @ WATT level do the Agendas of these Bedfellows Congrue?

Remember Randolph (Randy) Delay?

South Texas Verdad: Power we giveth and power we can taketh away.

Dont piss us off. TLR Connie Scott, BACALA, Fil Vela (FED sycophant & Johnny come lately white collar crime manufacturer for WATT???? BUT of COURSE! Nothing less than a Federal Judgeship Appointment for his "Tyler Rhodes" wife and sitting 13th COA Justice).

We at Los Kenedenos concur (although not in totality) with the Author's take on the linked issue.

We do however, express our disappointment in Sheriff Kaelin's partisan political positioning. In hindsight we look back to the previous administration and many an issue we may question, but we do not recall any investigations (while ongoing) conducted in such boisterous fashion. In the same, we do not believe there are any grounds of civil rights violations due to race or ethnicity. It is evident false statements were made in an attempt to spin public opinion and we do find this to be obtuse to the due process afforded to all Americans. We ask Mr Kaelin to remember the faithless party abandonment of his party who now uses him (and his popularity) to launch political strikes. Mr Kaelin needs to realize these shoes he stands in uncomfortably. Everybody is watching, so just be yourself and quit appeasing to Political Powerbase who did not back you up and will run the first time you are in trouble.